Recipes with local varieties

Each month he sows a local variety to cook

Each variety in this calendar is associated with a recipe, which you can cook once the variety has been sown and harvested. But the date of the recipe depends on when this variety is sown. If you already know when it is sown, you can follow the crop until you can cook it.

Below you can check all these recipes:


In 2022 we celebrated 20 years of the Association of Local Varieties.

We connected farmers producing local varieties with Mallorcan chefs so that they could show us how to prepare an original recipe with the vegetables and legumes of local varieties that we sent them.

They released a series of five informative videos that are at the our youtube channel.

These videos have been made possible thanks to the work of Marc Alcover Riera and the funding of the project "Promoting the prospecting, multiplication, conservation and exchange of the phytogenetic resources of Mallorca and their registration in the catalog of local varieties of the Balearic Islands " from #feimfeinapdr #fogaiba #feimfeinaambtu #feimfeinapertu

Pickled tomato with white onion and lampuga

Maria Solivellas – Ca na Toneta

Sauteed Majorcan ciurons with roasted peppers, sausage and picornells

Marl Coll – Mycelium

Sweet cherry coke bord des marge

Xavier Font – The Exquisite

Sheisha collection coke with red onion and Figs de la Senyora

Cati Pons – Els Fogons de Plaça

Rye bread toast with white aubergine and lampuga

Santi Taura – IN