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We multiply seeds

Until a few decades ago, making your own seeds was a common task within farming. Nowadays, less and less time is devoted to this task. It is not simple, it requires know-how in addition to knowing the cultivation and the seed production process.

The project of multiplication and dispersion of local varieties is the heart of the association and aims to raise awareness of local varieties and encourage their consumption. For this reason, the initiative has been taken to offer some local varieties to the island population.

This is a project that started in 2011 and currently there are about 90 local varieties of vegetables, legumes and flowers involved, which are obtained thanks to the work of the seed multiplier network, made up of 20 multiplier farmers. Most of the varieties that are multiplied have the organic production seal endorsed by the Balearic Council for Ecological Agricultural Production (CBPAE).

These seeds are distributed to 41 island stores (40 in Mallorca and 1 in Menorca), so that they can be acquired and continue to reproduce. In addition, the association works on the introduction of new varieties and improving the current ones in order to provide interested people with a wide range of local varieties.

Where can you find our seeds of local varieties?

You can also find them in our office: Carrer de la Santa Creu, 31 (former slaughterhouse). 07260 Porreres. Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. If this schedule does not suit you, you can call us 693 066 858 / 623250278722 782 536 and we try to reach an agreement.

The process of seed multiplication

we multiply then
seed multiplication process
seed multiplication process
seed multiplication process
seed multiplication process
seed multiplication process
seed multiplication process
seed multiplication process
seed multiplication process
seed multiplication process
seed multiplication process
seed multiplication process

Check out our 2024 seed catalog

The multipliers

you will find

Andreu Adrover

Es Garrovers Son Negre, Felanitx Agroecological practices

agromart, Rafel figera

Agromart, Rafel Figuera

Sa Volta/Son Mesquida Porreres/ Felanitx

ca na justa, cati vaquer and pep pou

Ca na Justa, Cati Vaquer and Pep Pou

Ca na Justa Porreres

hort de can gran, take domenge and aranxa moreno

Hort de Can Gran, Tomeu Domenge and Arantxa Moreno

Can Gran Inca Seal of the CBPAE

joan garcías ripoll

Joan Garcías Ripoll

Son Ripoll Montuïri Seal of the CBPAE

crepe spices, lorenç tortella

Especies Crespí, Llorenç Tortella

Son Pou Nou Vilafranca Seal of the CBPAE

eastern star association

Estel de Llevant Association

Sa Vall Manacor Seal of the CBPAE

toni feliu

Toni Feliu Pou

So na Jaume Nou /Sant Jordi Palma Seal of the CBPAE

Michael Angel Lobo Ruiz

Miquel Ángel Lobo Ruiz

Mainou Porreres Seal of the CBPAE

gob, hatch volunteers

GOB, La Trapa volunteers

La Trapa Sant Elm, Andratx Seal of the CBPAE

Miquel Villalonga Maimó

Miquel Villalonga Maimó

Sa Pleta Son Macià, Manacor Converting to organic agriculture

pere ferragut

Pere Ferragut

Can Delomo Algaida Seal of the CBPAE

Xesc Nicolau Catalan

Xesc Nicolau Català

Sant Joan vegetable garden Seal of the CBPAE

toni suñer monserrat

Toni Suñer Monserrat

S'Aljub den Mel Cas Concos, Felanitx Seal of the CBPAE

pep barceló

Pep Barceló

Son Valls Porreres Seal of the CBPAE

toni sureda nicolau

Toni Sureda Nicolau

Son Vell Son Macià, Manacor Seal of the CBPAE

Biel Torrens

Biel Torrens

Can Caló Ruberts, Sencelles Seal of the CBPAE

joan toni servera

Joan Toni Servera

Ses Barraques Manacor Converting to organic agriculture

toni calafell

Toni Calafell

Sa Vinyeta Binissalem Seal of the CBPAE

maria teresa ramis

Maria Teresa Ramis

Can Frontera Inca Seal of the CBPAE

Donate to the seed multiplication project

This is the heart of the association's project and aims to raise awareness of local varieties and encourage their consumption.

Informative videos

During 2020 and the beginning of 2021, different videos were made about our organization's seed multiplication project. The idea came from visualizing the task of the seed multiplier, a very careful and little-known task. Therefore, 10 thematic videos were made, which touch on different topics related to local varieties and the cultivated biodiversity of Mallorca.

Seed cleaning

The cleaning of the seed is a very important part of the multiplication process, as it allows to obtain a more viable seed, discarding the empty, small seeds that certainly do not have germination capacity. Together with the extraction, they are very laborious but totally invisible tasks.

In our organization, we do it in a very artisanal way with sieves and small machines such as a fig-heading machine, a simple manual winnowing machine or a vacuum cleaner made by some collaborators. With our tools you can do part of this task, but you don't get a perfectly clean seed like current technology allows. That is why to guarantee a maximum seed quality it is necessary to make a considerable investment in specific machinery for its cleaning.

Some machines allow you to save many hours of cleaning, since they cup the entire fruit and separate the seed from the pulp. Others are more specific for each process, such as those that separate the straw from the seed through mechanical sieves, or the densimetric tables that separate the empty seeds from the full ones, among others. There are also other machines that pack the seed automatically, allowing the process to be finished optimally.

Thanks to these machines, the work can be done in a more agile way. Currently, we have proposed to gradually acquire the ones we need most to make our project profitable.

Do you want to help us achieve this? Thank you for your support.

Establishments selling seeds

Consult the full list of stores. Now you can also find all our local varieties in the online store, don't forget to visit it.

Donate to the seed multiplication project

This is the heart of the association's project and aims to raise awareness of local varieties and encourage their consumption.

Today, there is still no direct funding for the multiplication project, which is supported by part of the membership fees and the sales derived from the seeds. Even so, it remains a deficit project, where the work of producing, selecting and dispersing the seeds of local varieties remains an undervalued task.