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How can you help us?

Every day there are more people and organizations working for the recovery of local varieties and farming knowledge, and we would like you to be part of the team.

collaborates the association of local varieties

Make a donation

Our projects need financial support from members and supporters. Through the Paypal platform you can send us your donation easily, you can choose whether you want to make it to the organization or to a specific project.

You can also do it by making a deposit indicating your full name and ID, and putting "Donation + name of the project to which it is intended" as a concept, to the following account number of the Association of Local Varieties: Colonya Caixa Pollença IBAN: ES95 2056 0004 4410 0119 5021.

Volunteer with the AVL

You can also join our community! You can collaborate with the seed multiplication project, carrying out office tasks and attending fairs.

Final degree or master's thesis, scholarships or stays

Find out about the possibility of carrying out projects or collaborating with the AVL, and send us your proposals or concerns.

Promotion of the entity

Propose or promote the creation of nodes in your territory to carry out dissemination activities (fairs, conferences, courses, workshops...).