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June's recipe: blanches* of butternut squash jam

Blanquets* of butternut squash jam

*Blanched is a type of rubiol that does not take on as much color as the other, and that does not contain sugar.

Ingredients for about 12 medium-small whites.

For the white pasta:

  • 1 cup of water
  • 1 cup of olive oil
  • 300 g of lard
  • 800 g of loose flour

For the filling (scalloped pumpkin jam):

  • 1 kg of butternut squash
  • 1 kg of sugar
  • the skin of a lemon
  • 1 cinnamon stick

First we will prepare the pumpkin jam. Boil the pumpkin sliced in two pieces, and once boiled, separate the pulp and put it in a colander.

In a pot, put the pulp of the butternut squash, the sugar, the lemon peel and the cinnamon stick. We have to cook it over a slow fire, in 4 or 5 peaks, stirring all the time so that it doesn't stick.

Once the jam is made, we will prepare the whites. For the pasta, first put the water and oil in a bowl. We melt the saím and add it to the bowl. We will keep adding the flour until the liquid has all been drunk.

Knead the well-kneaded dough and we can now prepare the whites. For this reason, we will follow the same procedure as for the rubiols. With the help of a rolling pin, roll out a portion of the pasta until it is thin. We place a generous spoonful of the jam in the center of the pasta, and fold it to close in the shape of a half moon. We spit well after the filling, cut off the excess pasta and seal it with a fork or similar.

Once they are done, place them on top of a tin on baking paper and bake them at 150ºC for about 20-30 minutes. Once removed, let them cool, sprinkle powdered sugar on top and enjoy!

Source of the recipe: Jerònia Fiol Garau – Montuïri. Original recipe from the possession of Albenya (Randa).

You can consult the other recipes at the entrance of the Calendar 2021.

June 1, 2021