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The seeds at school

Here you can consult the entire offer and the prices of the activities "The seeds in class". You can make the request through this form. These activities are not free, each center must bear the costs, given that there is currently no funding to carry them out.

The content of the proposed activities is adapted to all levels, from early childhood education to professional training. We have special activities for the centers that have a garden and activities and talks to do in the classroom.

Educational materials for schools

In recent years we have edited and created different educational and fun materials in order to bring local varieties, and in general cultivated biodiversity, to educational centers and children of all ages.

If you want to know more about the materials created and how to get them, keep reading!

School activities on cultivated biodiversity in Mallorca

Are you a school center?

If you want to receive training, advice, materials or do some activity with us, fill out the following form.

If you become a member of our organization as a school you will receive offers and some free workshops during the year. Become a member!

The seeds at school

“Surprise pack. A seed for every season”

In the last months of 2024 we made a new material with the collaboration of Bri of Straw. Part of the material has been financed by the General Directorate of Natural Environment and Forest Management of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Natural Environment.

The material consists of 4 tubes, one for each station. In each tube there are the organic seeds of a local variety from our entity. These packs have been distributed free of charge to the partner educational centers of our organization.

If you want to purchase them, you can contact us or make the purchase at our store online store!

"The dance of the seeds. The germination of knowledge"

In 2023, we participated in some artistic curatorships through which we were finalists in the call Brotant between science and art: seeds as resilient pillars of healthy and sustainable food in the past, present and future. Our project has been an interactive installation that identifies the act of sowing, and as part of the exhibition we have also created teaching material for schools, as well as different videos that you can watch through the our youtube channel.

We made this material together with Enric Socias (transmedia artist), Nívola Uyà (visual artist) and Lluís Vidaña (visual artist).

Here you will find more information about the complete project, and if you want to download the teaching material in pdf you can do so here.

The dance of the seeds. The germination of knowledge

Do you want to be up to date with the activities we carry out?

Subscribe to our newsletter and receive information about the activities we develop from the Association of Local Varieties.

"In search of the sweet oaks"

In 2022 we carried out the project "Environmental education about Mallorca's cultivated biodiversity. Advice to school gardens and editing of educational materials on the sweet oak", through which we developed the educational material "In search of sweet oaks". With this didactic unit we want to make known the sweet oak and all its characteristics of cultivation, reproduction, consumption and other interesting aspects, in order to make known such a unique tree of the island of Mallorca and, at the same time, so unknown We made this material together with the illustrator Xavi Canyelles, and with the design of na Nívola Uyá If you want to get a paper copy you can contact us at, i here you can download it in pdf.
In search of sweet oaks
Opening photo2

Exhibition "Tomatoes of ramelle as a cultural heritage of Mallorca"

In 2022 and 2023 we carried out the project "Promotion and awareness of local varieties", through which we did this exhibition, made up of different informative panels and a video that you can watch here.

These materials are designed for the little ones to get to know the bunch tomato plant. The exhibition is created from the illustrations of na Nívola Uyà, the design and graphics of Lluís Vidaña and the video by Joan Lluís Oliver.

If you want more information on how to have the exhibition for a few days in your center, you can contact us at

Toy library of local varieties

In 2020 we carried out the project "Environmental education about Mallorca's cultivated biodiversity through play and the garden", through which we performed the Toy library of local varieties, fun-educational games that we bring to school workshops and fairs so that children can play them. In addition, when we do not take them to these activities we have them in our office; come meet us and play for a while!

This toy library is made of wood, created by Sa Ludo by David. It consists of a domino, a memory game, a 3 in a row and a who's who.

If you want more information on how to have the play library for a few days in your center, you can contact us at

Toy library of local varieties

Are you a school center?

If you want to receive training, advice, materials or do some activity with us, fill out the following form.

Memory game of local varieties

Due to the success of the local variety game library, in 2021 we decided to create the local variety memory game. Based on the memory game from the toy library, this is in a small format and that's why we were able to make 100 copies. In this way, we have been able to distribute it to the different schools that have requested it and to those where we have gone to do workshops.

This material could be carried out through the project "Environmental education about Mallorca's cultivated biodiversity. Advice to school gardens and reprinting of educational material on local varieties”, within the grant for environmental education activities. The memory game edition carried it out Senya.

If you are part of the educational community and want a memory game for your school, contact us at

photo material memory game

Didactic unit "Local varieties"

In 2017 we carried out a didactic unit on local varieties, with funding from SEMILLA. Currently and thanks to this initiative, the IRFAP (formerly SEMILLA) is carrying out an activity in schools with 3rd grade students to raise awareness of Mallorca's local varieties. Here you can find more information there.

If you are part of the educational community and want a copy, contact us at

Seed collection for school gardens

Within the same project that we made the toy library in 2020, we also carried out the Seed Collection for school gardens, which was distributed free of charge to 40 schools, and which we were able to republish the following year thanks to the same grant, to distribute to 40 more centers.

These collections were edited by the illustrator Nívola Uyá, and are made up of 12 cards: ten cards of local varieties (with the necessary information to be able to sow and consume them during the school year, in addition to culinary information and description) and two process cards (planting and extracting seeds ). In addition, 3 sachets of seeds of local varieties (Mallorcan parsley, donkey's ear lettuce and purple carrot) are also included.

Now we have no collections left to distribute, but if you are interested in getting one in your center, let us know at, just in case we do a third edition!

New collection for temperpo