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Become a partner

Joining the AVL is a form of participation that helps the organization financially and provides great social support when it comes to maintaining the activity. The current cost is 45 euros/year.

AVL members can

  • Participate in the General Assemblies and in the decisions of the entity.
  • Be part of the board of directors.
  • Enjoy the membership price in the acquisition of wholesale plant material.
  • Enjoy the membership price when registering for courses, conferences and workshops.
  • Receive earlier information about courses, conferences and workshops, being able to register earlier.
  • Enjoy the possibility of trips to learn about experiences in Spain and abroad.
  • Enjoy the provision of plant material of local varieties (seedlings, seeds,...).
  • Preference in the acquisition of sweet garlic oaks.
  • Purchase organic seedlings of local winter and summer varieties.
  • Participate in the association's projects.
  • Enjoy discounts on the purchase of plant material from the following list of nurseries:
    • Àngels Díaz Moreno (Son Ferriol) 5% in seedlings of local varieties.
    • Association of Local Varieties (Porreres) 5% in bulk seed.
    • Planters and Ornamentals Nicolau (Sant Joan) 5% in seedlings of local varieties.
    • Vivers Joan Crespí (Búger) 5% discount on carob trees of local varieties.
    • Viver Bio Estel de Llevant (Manacor) 5% in seedlings of local varieties.
    • Vivers Can Juanito (Son Ferriol) 5% in seedlings of local varieties.

In addition, when you join you will receive one welcome pack:

  • A batch of 3 packets of seeds representative of Mallorca's agricultural biodiversity, which you can come and look for in our office.
  • A possible visit to your farm in order to recognize the agrobiodiversity that exists and how it could be increased with the greater presence of local varieties.

Other entities and companies can also associate with the AVL with the figure of collective partner The current cost of this is 150 euros/year. If you are interested in this option, contact us directly and we will discuss: info@varietatslocals.org / 693 066 858.

If you are a member of the Association and want to unsubscribe, you must inform us through an email to info@varietatslocals.org.