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Recipe for May: cold hedgehog melon cream

Cold hedgehog melon cream

Ingredients for 4 people.


  • 1 medium hedgehog melon
  • 200 ml of cream for cooking
  • salt
  • good pepper
  • healthy grass
  • salty leg, croutons... to accompany

Grind the melon with the cream and about 8 leaves of healthy herb, until it is very creamy. Season to taste.

We'll serve it very cold and decorate it with some leaves of healthy grass, some slices of salty ham or a couple of bread croutons.

If the melon is very sweet, instead of being a savory dish it can also work very well as a dessert, and it can also be made with any other variety of melon. The one in the photo is made with round melon, as we made it when it was not time for hedgehog melon.

Recipe source: Maria Massanet

You can consult the other recipes at the entrance of the Calendar 2021.

May 3, 2021