Winter boot or spring boot
Ingredients for 4 people.
- 1 kg of bunch tomatoes
- 5 herrings
- 1 bunch of tender onions
- extra virgin olive oil
- salt
- good pepper
- toast, cookies, cake... as an accompaniment
Torram les tomàtigues de ramellet i les arengades damunt del caliu. En estar torrades, pelam les tomàtigues i les tallam a bocins petits. Desespinam i llevam la pell a les arengades torrades, i les tallam també a bocins.
Clean and chop the white part of the tender or grilled onions, and mix it with the tomatoes and the herring. Season the mixture with good pepper and a good drizzle of olive oil.
Let it rest for three days in the freezer, and finally season with salt and pepper after the three days. We serve it with toast, cookies or cake.
Recipe source: Marga Coll, Restaurant Miceli (Jungle)
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March 2, 2021