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Every year we carry out different activities aimed at publicizing local varieties and our projects, in the field of agrobiodiversity. 

From the month of November 2023 to the month of June 2023 we have carried out the courses included in the "2023/2024 training proposal on agrobiodiversity and local varieties", subsidized by the help of professional training and acquisition of skills of FOGAIBA (Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Natural Environment).

  • 47 courses, of which 32 face-to-face and 15 distance learning.
  • More than 300 training hours
  • 62 speakers.
  • More than 1.000 registered people 
  • Topics related to local varieties and the projects of the AVL, in the field of organic agriculture and agrobiodiversity.

All this has been possible thanks to: ICTIB Territorial Custody Initiative of the Balearic Islands, the councils and entities that have given us their spaces, especially the Porreres council, all the people involved in the organization, the teachers.

The 2024-25 training proposal will be available in the coming months


Seed extraction, planting of local varieties, seed conservation, creation of germplasm banks, tastings of local varieties, etc.


On the importance of the conservation, dissemination, use and consumption of local varieties in general, some in particular and related topics.


Training sessions for teachers and the general public.


Intended for people in the field of agriculture, be they professionals, technicians, students, fans, and interested people in general. These training courses deal with specific topics in relation to agrobiodiversity and local varieties.

Consult the complete catalog of courses

INFORMATION AVAILABLE SOON. Courses included in the "2023/2024 training proposal on agrobiodiversity and local varieties", subsidized by the professional training and skills acquisition aid. 

Our training courses are supported by