Sa Porgadora Screening

Open door service!

The sieving service consists of the cleaning of grain (cereals and legumes) of local varieties, foreign varieties, conventionally and organically. 

After several years of managing deliveries and collections by the Association of Local Varieties, from now on it will be in charge of Camp Mallorquí. 

Sa Porgadora is located in the Cooperativa Agrícola de Sineu (Camp Mallorquí Fruits, carrer del Carril, 21, Sineu) and is the only center for cleaning organic grain and local varieties in Mallorca and the Islands.

The conditions for our partners remain. The first week of each month has been reserved for the delivery of organic products. The rest of the days will be conventional, although the machine is cleaned after each bite.

The prices are very similar but they have been adjusted to the work that each type of grain takes (it is not the same to harvest a bean or broad bean seed as it is for wheat). Here is the information about the new prices.

Sa Porgadora Screening
Gran de sa Porgadora
Sa Porgadora 2

How should you do it if you are interested in using the portage service?

If you are interested in donating cereals and legumes, you can make an appointment via of this link

The form just lets you fill it out monday and thursday, grain delivery days. That's why you can only sign up these days during the available hours. You must write down all your data as well as all the grain to be harvested. If you have more than one type of grain, you must separate them with a comma, dash or hyphen and put the amount of each type of grain in the same order. For example PRODUCT: barley-wheat-oats QUANTITY: 1000KG/500KG/750KG

If you have any questions, you can call Llorenç, responsible for the concierge service, at  686 69 67 70

The grain cleaning season begins on June 17, 2024. It is important that you read the Decalogue of grain service providers.
Sa Porgadora Screening

The reason for the Sa Porgadora project

The agricultural sector has difficulties in obtaining grain for sowing or for human consumption, among others due to mini-farming and the use of the same grain sowing and harvesting machinery for different farms, which causes mixing of different species to the detriment of the conservation of varieties in their purity.

Currently, there is an increase in the demand for flours of local and organic varieties due to the bread made from them. Despite the growing demand, farmers and millers find it difficult to obtain selected cereals for consumption.

It is known that, by now, some legumes or cereals are on the verge of disappearing, since they have no commercial outlet as a result of the lack of cleaning machinery. There is a market that values these varieties and that values the production of organic products. In the case at hand, it seems that there is a demand for being able to make cereal flours and to be able to sell local legumes. Thus, we can say that there is a certain potential in these types of products, but with the current tools the cost of production becomes very expensive.

An investment with infrastructure is necessary, since the quality achieved in Sa Porgadora from cleaning is good, compared to how the grain arrives. But in some cases, especially in legumes, it could be improved, and for this reason, more and better infrastructure is needed. Cleaning the grain is not only important for what can be achieved as a final product, but it is a key process to preserve cultivated biodiversity, to encourage the autonomy of farmers and, therefore, food sovereignty.

To know more about the project: a APAEMA you can find the article of the month in the 2020 agenda, dedicated this time to the Sa Porgadora project. And an article about this project was also published in Agrocultura magazine, in September 2021, and you can find here.