Artistic curation "The dance of the seeds. The germination of knowledge"

Tomorrow, Tuesday, October 31, we are going to Madrid to present our artistic curation project “The dance of the seeds. The germination of knowledge".

It is an interactive installation that identifies the act of sowing, and is made up of several physical elements: the continent on which to plant, the seed and the diversity of local varieties, specifically a seed of each type of crop: horticultural, cereal, legumes and fruit. The audience can interact with the exhibit, through which they learn more about each of the seed varieties and the people who have helped preserve them. In our exhibition there is the voice and image of four people who cultivate the selected varieties. They are Maria Eulàlia Adrover and Cosme Adrover with Mallorcan barley; na Cati Vaquer with red pepper; na Miquela Vanrell with Mallorcan ciuró and na Rosa Pons with the Callet grape variety.

The interactive material was made by Enric Socias (transmedia artist) who did the filming and editing, the illustrations are by Nívola Uyà (visual artist), and Lluís Vidaña (visual artist) made the scenography and graphic design part. The whole project has been coordinated by n'Aina Partners of the Association of Local Varieties.

The artistic project was a finalist, together with two other projects, of the call Brotant between science and art: Seeds as resilient pillars of healthy and sustainable food in the past, present and future. Our exhibition will share the room with these other two projects: "Banco móvil de semillas" by Marco Ranieri, and "Semillas sonoras" by Javier Forment.

These curators are part of the Daniel Carasso Fellowship research project "The challenge of digitizing seeds: sustainability, big data and social movement for open source seed systems", led by researcher and doctor Raquel Ajates (UNED ), and financed by the Daniel and Nina Carasso Foundation and the UNED, in collaboration with the Museum of Rural Life of the Carulla Foundation and Red Planea.

The following months will be exposed to:

• Escuelas Pías de la UNED, Madrid, from November 2 to 16, 2023.
• Rural Life Museum in L'Espluga de Francolí, Tarragona, from December 1 to 31, 2023.

You have more information about the project here.

You can watch the 4 videos of our project "The dance of the seeds. The germination of knowledge" to ours youtube channel

October 30, 2023