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Sa Porgadora's 2023 porgat campaign begins

This Monday, July 3, the 2023 campaign of the farm service begins at the Sineu Agricultural Cooperative, in the Mallorca Countryside.

The porgat service consists of the cleaning of grain (cereals and legumes) of local varieties, foreign varieties, conventionally and organically. Anyone interested in donating cereals and legumes can make an appointment through or phone 693 066 858.

Sa Porgadora is the only center for cleaning organic grain and local varieties in Mallorca and the Islands. This project is managed by our organization together with Camp Mallorquí, which owns the facilities and carries out the cleaning of the grain. We take care of the management, so that the project works well and the users of the service are satisfied.

It is important that before requesting an appointment to come and visit, read the Decalogue of grain service providers.

Grain cleaning is not only important for what can be achieved as a final product, but it is a key process for the preservation and improvement of quality seed and grain. Thus, it is an important tool to preserve cultivated biodiversity, to promote the autonomy of farmers and, therefore, food sovereignty.

June 30, 2023