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Promotion of the multiplication, conservation, use and exchange of phytogenetic resources

The seed multiplication project of local varieties is the heart of our organization. It was decided to launch about ten years ago in order to be able to offer some of these varieties to the island population, so that they can continue to be reproduced, consumed and adapted to our territory.

However, this project has always been and continues to be deficient, since the multiplication, extraction and conservation of seeds is a very artisanal task, which requires time and adequate knowledge to be able to obtain quality seeds and varieties. This is why some projects such as "Promoting the multiplication, conservation, use and exchange of Mallorca's phytogenetic resources", which allow us to finance part of this project through subsidies, are decisive in order to continue with this task.

Within this project this year we have carried out the organization and coordination of the cultivation of the different local varieties for seed, with the monitoring and selection in the field of varieties such as the Majorcan white onion, the purple aubergine, or the manto del Senyor melon , for example. Once these varieties have been harvested, we have extracted the seed, which, being well cleaned, dry and having undergone the germination test, has become part of the conservation reservoir and to be able to disperse among the population and multiply it in the following years.

In addition, we have already started the winter campaign, with the sowing and transplanting of cabbages and cauliflowers, and with the start of onion and lettuce seedlings to be transplanted at the end of the year.

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October 13, 2023