Mallorcan parsley is a highly prized herb in our gastronomy. It is believed that if this is sown on St. Rosa's day (August 23), it will not sprout all year, although the debate extends to other dates such as St. Francis' day (October 4) , or August 30 (originally Santa Rosa date). That's why, as these dates are approaching, you can find covered seed in our online store, in the association's office and in the collaborating stores.
Although we have parsley seed in stock, it is running low, and our multipliers are producing more to replenish sales. If you want to know how to extract seeds from this plant for later sowing, and help us do it, in the office we have seeds waiting to be cleaned. You will find us on Monday 28 and Wednesday 30 August, from 10am to 3pm at the AVL headquarters (Carrer d'en Sala, 13. Porreres).
If you are interested in coming to help, or want more information, contact us by email: or by phone 722 782 536.
August 21, 2023