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help us Matchfunding "We sow Biodiversity"

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We have launched one micromachining project or called matchfunding "Dryer to preserve the seeds of the future" promoted by the "Fundación Triodos" and the "Red de Municipios por la Agroecología", which aims to promote the business fabric linked to the production of seeds and ecological plant improvement. 

What is the minimum goal? 

The goal we want to achieve is to 2.000 €. And if we achieve it, the Triodos Foundation will increase the amount up to 4.500 €.

What will we do with these doubles?

And they will allow us to power buy a professional seed dryer with digital temperature control and air circulation. This fact will facilitate our day-to-day work and allow us to obtain a better quality seed.

thedrying the seed is a very important process, and it is usually done during the summer, when we have very high humidity, which means that sometimes the seeds germinate before they are dried. This dryer will allow us to avoid this and at the same time achieve a much more reliable drying control. It is one of the important steps to be able to have a higher quality seed. 

If we exceed €2,000, it will allow us to enable the new space in the seed warehouse (we are moving) with tools to make the seed germination pots, as well as other seed cleaning tools. 

Encourage yourself to put your grain of sand!

We have prepared some very interesting rewards so that you are more satisfied with your contribution. No matter how small the contribution is, it will be very important to us

At the'follow link there is the platform where you can see all the information and make your financial contribution! Thank you for your support!


#microstorage #quality seed #tlavoreco #local varieties #farming #collaborate