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Video The ramellet tomato plant as Mallorca's cultural heritage

You can already see, through the our YouTube channel, the video included in the exhibition "Tomàtiga de ramellet as a cultural heritage of Mallorca", which has been made with great care with the illustrations of na Nívola Uyà, the design and graphics of Lluís Vidaña and the video of Joan Lluís Oliver.

To discover the full exhibition, you can visit it until May 3rd at the entrance of Porreres town hall, and from May 5th at the Melicotó store in Palma.

The idea is that the public who visit it will take away a clear message about what it is and what it means. This exhibition is also designed for the little ones to get to know the ramellet tomato plant.

We made this exhibition thanks to a LEADER grant from the Mallorca Rural Association.

April 23, 2023