During this last month, we have carried out the extraction of some winter seeds, such as purple carrot, Mallorcan white onion and All Saints cauliflower, thanks to the volunteers. Also within the multiplication project we have made some visits in order to follow and select the varieties. The summer crops are already well developed, and within this month of August we will harvest the first tomatoes. In addition, we have already started the winter seed campaign, which you will be able to find in partner stores and in our online store, in order to start the seedling of cabbages, cauliflowers and other winter varieties.
But we have not only worked with seeds... through the ADV of the association we have made several visits and advice to check the state of horticultural crops, legumes and cereals of local varieties. Now is the time to collect Mallorcan beans, black beans, wheat...
We have also started a specific trial to prospect the presence of the beetle Anthonomus eugenii, priority pest, in goat's horn pepper and purple eggplant, which affects the leaves and fruits of these. Although the plague is originally from Mexico, the presence of the plague years ago in Holland and Italy (now eradicated), suggests the possible accidental introduction of it to our territory. For this reason, it is necessary to carry out checks to be able to warn immediately in the event that the pest is located, and thus be able to eliminate it in time. In addition to this specific test, we are also prospecting for the presence of other quarantine pests in order to avoid, if any are found, their dispersion.
August 4, 2023