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Mallorcan horse bean

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How is it?

The Mallorcan horse bean it is a small, whitish fava bean, intended for animal consumption, whole or in flour, but it is also very good for human consumption (both dry, as a fava parada, and tender). It also makes green manure and is good as a rotational crop.

When and how is it sown?

It's possible sow between September and November, to harvest in July and August. For green fertilizer it is incorporated in full bloom (April-May). Sowing is direct at a depth of about 2-3 cm and a distance between plants of 10-15 cm and 25-30 cm between rows.

How much seed is in the envelope?

envelope weight: 1,000 g. Approximately 1,940 units.

How long can this seed be sown?

Seed viability: 4-10 years. They exceed 4 years if stored with low humidity and constant temperature.

Vicia faba sp. equine – Registered variety

Origin: Sa Bastida, Porreres, Mallorca.

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Donate to the seed multiplication project

This is the heart of the association's project and aims to raise awareness of local varieties and encourage their consumption.