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"De Sant Antoni" cauliflower

3,00 VAT included

The "De Sant Antoni" cauliflower it is vigorous and withstands drought quite well.

The planting is done between July and August to transplant from August to September. Harvesting begins in January. The sowing distance is 50 cm between plants and 80-100 cm between rows.

envelope weight: 0.6 g. Approximately 272 units.

Brassica oleracea botrytis L. – Phytogenetic resource

Origin: Alcúdia, Mallorca.

We also have seed in bulk, for orders: commendesvarietatslocals@gmail.com / 722 782 536 / 693 066 858

222 in stock

Donate to the seed multiplication project

This is the heart of the association's project and aims to raise awareness of local varieties and encourage their consumption.