Training visit "The collection of traditional fruit trees of the Serra de Tramuntana"

We offer you a new face-to-face training visit, free and lasting 4 hours. Dedicated to getting to know and learning about the collection of traditional varieties of fruit growers in the Serra de Tramuntana located in Can Monserrat, in addition to all their varieties found there. In addition, there will be a tasting of these very interesting varieties! This visit consists of a single theoretical-practical session, and places are limited. Please only sign up if you can attend, otherwise you will be depriving other people of a place.

"The collection of traditional fruit growers of the Serra de Tramuntana"
Date and time: Saturday, June 3, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m
Place: Finca Can Monserrat (the exact location will be sent to all attendees the day before).
Lecturer: Antoni Calafell, technical agricultural engineer and expert in local varieties of fruit trees from Mallorca, as well as owner of the collection of fruit trees of local varieties in Can Monserrat.

Registration: through the link
More information: 693 066 858 /

Training visit included in the "Irrigation system renovation project and informative visit to the collection of traditional fruit trees in the Serra de Tramuntana de Can Monserrat", subsidized by the Serra de Tramuntana World Heritage Consortium's call for the recovery of ethnological and architectural elements with heritage values, of the agricultural landscape and its surroundings within the territorial scope of the Serra de Tramuntana.

May 30, 2023