This year we celebrate the XXIII State Fair of Cultivated Biodiversity in Porreres!
From April 19, and until Sunday 24, we have organized different activities, such as informative talks, samples of materials and seeds, workshops, tastings, organization fair... You can check the entire program here.
Some of the activities have limited places and it is necessary to register. The programming in pdf you have included the link to the registration form, for activities with limited places.
This fair is held by the state network Seeds Network for 23 years now, in different territories of the Spanish state, and this year, to celebrate the 20th anniversary of our organization, we have decided to organize it ourselves. In addition, we will be lucky enough to share programming throughout the week with the XV Day of Organic Agriculture organized by APAEMA. And from April 25, the XIV International Congress of the EEAS.
April 4, 2022