Disclosure videos. Chapter 09: Inheritance

Chapter 09: Inheritance

Today we present to you the ninth video about our organization's seed multiplication project. This one deals with the abandonment of the field and the local varieties that took place in the sixties and seventies, as well as their subsequent recovery and the family history behind the multipliers of our entity.

This is part of a total of 11 thematic videos, which we will publish every Friday. Some of the topics we wanted to discuss are the figure of the seed multiplier, the process of making seeds, the culture behind this work, some varieties lost over time, how we see the future of this work, enter others .

Stay tuned and stay tuned for the next videos! You can find them, published every Friday, on social networks (Facebook, Instagram and Twitter) and also on our youtube channel.

These videos have been made thanks to the work of Marc Alcover Riera and the help of #feimfeinapdr #fogaiba #feimfeinaambtu #feimfeinapertu

We hope you enjoy them!

April 23, 2021