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Projection of the video "Local Varieties" and round table

This activity, which requires prior registration, is part of the XXIII State Fair of Cultivated Biodiversity, which we are celebrating this year in Porreres. It will be Wednesday, April 20, in person and free of charge.

"Projection of the video "Local varieties" and round table"
Date and time: Wednesday, April 20, from 6 to 8 p.m
Place: Sa Nostra Foundation (Carrer de la Concepcion, 12. Palma)
Participants in the round table:

  • Aina Calafat EEAE technique.
  • Tony Feliu Farmer and seed multiplier.
  • Esperança Mora Manager of the Porreres cooperative.

Registration: through the link https://forms.gle/pyBxfYNsiXtUAdi38
More information: 722 782 536 / cursos@varietatslocals.org

April 6, 2022