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Sweet garlic oak nursery

These months we embarked on a new adventure: the grafting of sweet oaks into one-year-old saplings. It's been a month since we started grafting, and now some seedlings are already starting to sprout!

From the experience of Balanotrees and thanks to his interest in Mallorcan sweet garlic oaks, we have decided to start this project ourselves. These grafts are based on the hot tube technique, a facility where the grafted saplings spend about 3 weeks to promote the union of the graft.

Thanks to the Menut forest nursery we got the feet on which we grafted saplings of sweet oaks distributed all over the island, of different varieties such as bell, Pere Andreu or hazelnut.

Even so, this project does not have funding, and has been started from the entity's own resources. If you want to collaborate with us you can do so from the different options that you will find here

February 10, 2022