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Mallorcan chickpea

4,50 VAT included

The Mallorcan chickpea it is small but of great organoleptic quality. Indicated for consumption green and dry.

It's possible direct sow from late December to early February. Harvesting begins in May. It is sown at a depth of 10 cm and at a distance between plants of 20 to 25 cm.

envelope weight: 300 g. Approximately 973 units.

Cicero arietinum – Registered variety

Origin: Son Ajaume Nou, Palma, Mallorca.

We also have seed in bulk, for orders: commendesvarietatslocals@gmail.com / 722 782 536 / 693 066 858

52 in stock

Donate to the seed multiplication project

This is the heart of the association's project and aims to raise awareness of local varieties and encourage their consumption.