Presentation "In search of sweet oaks" and tasting of sweet acorns

Next Monday, December 19 at 12 noon headquarters of the AVL in Porreres we will present the educational material "In search of sweet oaks", which we have been preparing for the last few months on sweet oak and with the support of the General Directorate of Waste and Environmental Education.

With this didactic unit, from the Association of Local Varieties we want to make known the sweet oak and all its characteristics: cultivation, reproduction, consumption and other interesting aspects, in order to make known such a unique tree of the island of Mallorca and, at the same time, so unknown.

We will also take the opportunity to do a tasting of sweet aglans, so if you have some at home (even if they are green) you can take them to everyone to taste!

On this day, the sweet oaks that were grafted last January will also be distributed to the people who have requested it. Unfortunately, they are all already assigned.

December 13, 2022