The cultivated Biodiversity week is celebrated this year from October 12 to 18, and includes the XXI State Fair of Cultivated Biodiversity (virtual edition). Within this week we have included a free online training day:
Working day "Experiences of school gardens and local varieties"
Date and time: Saturday, October 17 from 9 am to 2 pm
Place: electronically, through the Zoom platform. All those who sign up for the course will receive, on Friday 16 October, the link to join online.
Program of the day:
- 9 – 9.30 a.m Welcome and Introduction of local varieties in schools. The experience of the Association of Local Varieties of Mallorca.
- 9.30 – 10.30 h Let's plant! The school garden as a pedagogical resource. David Segales Masmitja, primary education teacher and environmental educator (Centre de Recursos Pedagogics d'Osona. Vic, Catalonia).
- 10.30 – 11.30 h Biodiversity, recovery and cultivation of local varieties in the school garden. Joana Casals Costa (Terra Nostra School. Olost, Catalonia).
- 11:30 a.m. – 12 p.m Rest.
- 12 – 12.30 p.m The Urgell seed bank. Mariana Viada Sauleda (CEIP l'Urgell. Sant Josep de sa Talaia, Ibiza).
- 12.30 – 1 p.m Practical experiences of environmental education in schools in the Valencian Country. Laia Baró Gómez, member of the Connecta Natura Association and co-coordinator of the Llavors d'Ací training group (Valencian Country).
- 1 – 1.30 p.m Valencian agroecology from childhood. The experience of CEIP Verge del Carmen. Joana Vicente de Bobes, Garden and Health (L'Eliana, Valencia).
- 1:30 p.m. – 2 p.m Debate about the experiences.
This activity is pending approval by the General Directorate of Early Childhood, Innovation and Educational Community of the Ministry of Education, University and Research.
For more information and registration: or on the telephone 693 066 858. It is necessary that you give your full name, DNI and a telephone and/or contact email.
Day included in the project "Environmental education about Mallorca's cultivated biodiversity through play and the garden", financed by the General Directorate of Waste and Environmental Education of the Ministry of Environment and Territory.
Other activities organized in schools as part of Cultivated Biodiversity Week:
- Tuesday, October 13. Introduction of local varieties in the school garden. Activities of the Palma Educa program at CEIP Miquel Costa i Llobera, Palma.
- Thursday, October 15. Introduction of local varieties in the school garden. Activities of the Palma Educa program at CEIP Verge de Lluc, Palma.
Sponsor: Palma City Council, Program of Educational Activities, Palma Educa.
October 5, 2020