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Course "Micrografts of sweet oak - December 9"

We offer you the first of four independent courses, 8 hours long. You will learn the technique of split micrografting in oaks and to recognize the appropriate tools and plant material to make and maintain this type of graft.

Date and time: December 9, 2023, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m

Place: Greenhouse. Caminal d'Eivissa, s/n. University of the Balearic Islands. PALM

It is taught by: Andreu Adrover. Technical agricultural engineer, responsible for the sweet oak project of the Association of Local Varieties

Registration: through the link https://forms.gle/vRWKaPG3a9Eujqdn8

More information: 722 782 536 / cursos@varietatslocals.org

This course is face-to-face and free of charge and as with the other courses you can also get a certificate of use. Please only sign up if you can attend, otherwise you are depriving other people of a place.

Course included in the "Training proposal 2023/2024 on agrobiodiversity and local varieties", subsidized by the help of professional training and acquisition of skills. #feimfeinaPDR #feimfeinaambtu #feimfeinaperatu