From the Association of Local Varieties we want to support the Burning of Towers, Towers and Towers of the Mediterranean for Human Rights, and we adhere to the manifesto "Let the Songs be like Flames".
The ignition will be next Saturday, January 15 at 1 pm with smoke and at 6:30 pm with light at the points that appear on the map and in the list.
Manifesto 2022: let the songs be like flames
Maria del Mar Bonet
I would like to sing in the name of those women who die at the hands of their torturers and in their pain they find no one to defend them.
"You were looking for a flower and you found a fruit.
You were looking for a spring and you found a river.
You wanted a woman and you will find a person…
and you feel disappointed!”
(Edith Södergran)
I would like to sing on behalf of so many people who drown in the sea, which has become a marine cemetery. And for those who risk their lives to help them, given the shameful position of European governments.
"It's important to have your hands wide open,
and help those who come fleeing from war,
running away from pain and poverty"
(Joana Raspall)
I would like to sing in the name of those who died during Franco's repression, defending the land. For those who fought against the dictatorship and those who fight against those who want to continue oppressing the people, their Catalan language and culture, and human rights.
"What do these people want?
what do they call in the morning?"
May the songs be like the flames of the alimaras and light the paths by land, sea and air, making our life a song of freedom and courage. May they never go out and help us find the paths to peace.
"There is too much blood in the veins, to give it to the sun and the air,
too much life is in the earth because of the vines and the crops,
that the smoothness of melancholy and the placid longing
they were not made by untamed pines or wild winds!
That the pines want free land and the winds shout: freedom!”
(Excerpt from "Salve" by Miquel de Palol - Ramon Muntaner)
I would like to sing in the name of our Serra de Tramuntana so that they let it live in peace, and for those who help it by taking care of its forests, its animals and the sea. I would like to sing for the doctors, caregivers and scientists who are fighting to help against this pandemic. Sing for those who understand that if we don't take care of the planet, the disasters will not stop coming.
Fragment of the Sibyl:
"Great fire will come down from heaven
sea, fountains and rivers, everything will burn.
The fish will scream loudly
losing sleep is a natural delight.
The sun will lose its clarity,
appearing dark and disturbed;
the moon will not give light
and the whole world will be sad"
Singing the Sibyl I interpret her messages and her prophecies: the more we help to damage nature and all its living beings, the closer we are to the end of the earth.
January 13, 2021