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Course "Sweet oak grafting of local varieties"

We offer you a new face-to-face course, free and lasting 5 hours. Dedicated to knowing and learning the oak grafting technique. At the time, grafting of plated crowns will be done, but other techniques will also be explained. This course consists of a single theoretical-practical session, and places are limited. Please only sign up if you can attend, otherwise you will be depriving other people of a place.

“Sweet oak graft of local varieties”
Date and time: Saturday, February 18, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m
Place: Finca Son Rossinyol (road from Llubí to Sineu, km 3)
Taught by: Joan Coll, farmer and expert grafter of fruit and oak trees.

Registration: through the link https://forms.gle/So55TxHb6rtrEUMT8
More information: 693 066 858 / cursos@varietatslocals.org

Course included in the "Training proposal 2022/2023 on agrobiodiversity and local varieties", subsidized by the help of professional training and acquisition of skills. #feimfeinaPDR #feimfeinaambtu #feimfeinaperatu

February 2, 2023