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Vegetable seed extraction days of local varieties

The seed extraction season is underway, and this August will be in full swing. Now we still have quite a bit of winter seed to extract, and we're also starting to get some tomato plants.

This is why we have organized different volunteering days throughout the month of August, for all those people who want to come and help us, since the extraction and cleaning of seeds is a job that is much more rewarding if done in a group.

Then, depending on the type of varieties they play each day, you can take the rest of the fruit with you and/or we can do some tasting, so you can take some containers.

"Vegetable seed extraction days of local varieties"
Date and time: throughout the month of August, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m
The scheduled dates are August 7, 14, 17, 21 and 23.
Place: AVL Headquarters (Carrer d'en Sala, 13. Porreres)

Times and days may vary. If you are interested in coming to help, contact us. We can also adapt if it is better for you to come during off-peak hours.

For more information: cursos@varietatslocals.org or phone 722 782 536

August 3, 2023