We keep making seeds! We are again organizing another volunteer day for all those people who want to come and help us. Afterwards you can take the rest of the fruit with you, so don't forget to bring containers.
"Vegetable seed extraction days of local varieties"
Date and time: Tuesday, September 7, from 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m
Place: AVL Headquarters (Carrer d'en Sala, 13. Porreres)
Recommended safety measures must be followed. For this reason, we will provide hydroalcoholic gel to clean our hands, and it is necessary that you wear a mask during the days.
For more information and registration: cursos@varietatslocals.org or phone 722 782 536
Day included in the project "Promotion of the prospecting, multiplication, conservation, use and exchange of the phytogenetic resources of Mallorca and their registration in the catalog of local varieties of the Balearic Islands". #feimfeinaPDR #feimfeinaambtu #feimfeinaperatu
September 2, 2021