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Course "Techniques of multiplication, cleaning and conservation of the seed"

We offer you a new face-to-face course, free and 10 hours long, to learn the main techniques of extraction, cleaning and subsequent conservation of different seeds of local seasonal varieties, as well as the basic selection and multiplication criteria. This course will consist of of two theoretical-practical sessions, and places are limited. Please only sign up if you can attend, otherwise you will be depriving other people of a place.

"Techniques of multiplication, cleaning and conservation of the seed"
Date and time: Friday 3rd from 4pm to 9pm and Saturday 4th from 9am to 2pm.
Place: AVL headquarters. C/d en Sala 13, Porreres.
Taught by: Aina Socies and Maria Massanet, AVL technicians.

Registration: through the link https://forms.gle/6j7uumBjoSmpVF188
More information: 722 782 536 / cursos@varietatslocals.org

Course included in the "Training proposal 2023/2024 on agrobiodiversity and local varieties", subsidized by the help of professional training and acquisition of skills. #feimfeinaPDR #feimfeinaambtu #feimfeinaperatu

October 20, 2023