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Communiqué RdS in times of global crisis

On May 21, 2020, Red de Semillas "Resembrando e Intercambiando", a state organization of which we are part, issued a statement in reference to the importance of local varieties and community seeds in times of global crisis .

We denounce the consequences for the dynamic management of cultivated biodiversity and food sovereignty the closure of farmers' markets and self-consumption gardens. Through a social media campaign launched today, we remind you that local varieties are an accessible and appropriate resource to make healthy and sustainable eating possible.

That is why we encourage you to share your photos, drawings, poems, writings, reflections... on social networks with the hashtags: #Labiodiversidadcultivadanopara
#Labiodiversity culturedanoatura
#We still plant your rights
#Make your seeds

You can find more information and the full press release at RdS website.