Coming to the Organic Agriculture Day can have a prize!

If you come to shop at our stall, you can participate in the draw for a basket of #varietatslocals.

Among all the people who subscribe to our newsletter and have made a purchase from us during the Diada, we will draw a basket that includes, among others:

  • a t-shirt "20 years spreading seeds"
  • two sachets of seeds of local varieties
  • a cloth bag "Sweet Aglans de Mallorca"
  • a packet of wheat flour Clean Blat
  • a bottle of wine from the Can Axartell spur of the rooster variety

In addition, if you become a member during the Day, we give you:

  • three sachets of seeds
  • a cloth bag "Sweet Aglans de Mallorca"
  • a packet of seixa flour or a bottle of rooster spur wine

Will you let this opportunity pass?

April 21, 2023