Cultivated Biodiversity Week activities

Cultivated Biodiversity Week is back!

From the 13th to the 22nd of October we are launching this year's teacher training day as well as visits and workshops on local varieties and cultivated biodiversity. All these activities are face-to-face and free for AVL members (the visit to S'Obrador costs €5 for NON-members). Also, places are limited, and if you cannot attend, please do not sign up.

Below is the information for each one:

Day: Experiences of school gardens and local varieties
Date and time: Thursday, October 13, from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m
Place: Can Gelabert (Carrer de la Portella, 0. Binissalem)
They teach: see programme
Registration: through the link
More information:
On this day, several projects from centers all over Mallorca will be presented, as well as a presentation on the forest seed bank, tasting of local varieties and presentation of the environmental education activities carried out by the Association of Varieties Premises This day is intended for teachers of centers with garden projects or those interested in learning about projects on agriculture and local varieties to apply them to their schools or institutes.
Day included in the project "Environmental education about Mallorca's cultivated biodiversity", subsidized by the aid of environmental education activities of the Ministry of Environment and Territory.

Activity: Visit to S'Obrador, collective space for preserves and processed foods
Date and time: Saturday, October 22, from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m
Place: S'Obrador (crt. Palma-Alcúdia km 23.4. Binissalem)
Taught by: Marta Terrassa, technician responsible for the S'Obrador project.
Registration: through the link
More information:
This is a vegetable canning service for producers in order to facilitate the possibility of adding value to their products. An industrial kitchen project managed by APAEMA that aims to be a transformation tool for Mallorca's ecological sector.

In addition, starting this week we will start the environmental education workshops in the school centers and follow-up of the gardens where we have held workshops in previous years, where we will work on the seed cycle, cultivated biodiversity and living heritage through of direct sowing and our library of local varieties. As a novelty, this year from the end of November we will also introduce a new didactic unit on sweet oaks.
These activities are included in the project "Environmental education about Mallorca's cultivated biodiversity", subsidized by the aid of environmental education activities of the Ministry of Environment and Territory.

October 4, 2022