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20 years of Local Varieties: recognition of the work done

The celebration of the Association's 20 years was an opportunity to recognize the work done by all those people who have been involved in the organization over the years. It was a very special and emotional event and we were very happy to be able to thank and distribute the gifts to the people who have worked with will and enthusiasm for the Association to move forward.

The recognitions were:
-Recognition of the work done since the organization's beginnings and up to the present day
-Recognition to farmers who multiply local varieties
-Recognition of volunteers
-Recognition to the people involved in the sweet oaks project.
-Recognition to the workers and former workers of the Association.
-Special thanks to Porreres City Council for their constant support to the organization.

Thank you so much!

Thanks to Ca Madò Bet dels Siurells, Nívola Uyá, Star of Levant and Pans Lluc to prepare the gifts.

Pictures: Miquel Ángel Cañellas

July 5, 2022