White running courgette

3,00 VAT included

How is it?

The White running courgette it is a very light green zucchini. The plant is slippery, very productive and resistant to the hot summer. The fruit has a very fine taste, especially if they are harvested when they are less than a palm.

When and how is it sown?

We recommend doing direct sowing or seedling from May. Harvesting takes place at the end of summer and beginning of autumn. The sowing distance is 1 m between plants and 2 m between rows.

How much seed is in the envelope?

Envelope weight: 3.2 g. Approximately 20 units.

Cucurbita moschata - Phytogenetic resource

Origin: Rosa Villaró, Aguilar de Segarra. Reproduced by Les Rafardes, Catalonia. Introduced by Toni Calafell, Estellencs.

We also have seed in bulk, for orders: commendesvarietatslocals@gmail.com / 623 250 278 / 693 066 858

2 in stock

Donate to the seed multiplication project

This is the heart of the association's project and aims to raise awareness of local varieties and encourage their consumption.