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Evaluation of training in local varieties 2024/2025. Choose the course you have taken and fill in this form, this way you help us improve the training courses. Thank you!


OBJECTIVES AND CONTENTS OF THE TRAINING. Rate it from 1 to 5 (maximum 5 - minimum 1)

The contents have been adequate to the objectives(Required)
The objectives of the course are clearly defined(Required)
The practical contents of the training(Required)
The theoretical contents of the training(Required)

ORGANIZATION AND MATERIALS. Rate it from 1 to 5 (maximum 5 - minimum 1)

The quality of the resources provided and the documentation shared(Required)
The usefulness of the resources provided and of the shared documentation(Required)
The timetable favors attendance at the course(Required)
The duration of the course is suitable(Required)
In the case of theoretical-practical training, the combination of theory and practice during the course is appropriate

APPLICABILITY Rate it from 1 to 5 (maximum 5 - minimum 1)

I find the learning acquired in the training useful(Required)
Level of applicability in practice(Required)

SATISFACTION WITH THE TRAINER. Rate it from 1 to 5 (maximum 5 - minimum 1)

Learn about the topics covered in depth(Required)
Complies with the program, contents and timetables/calendar of the course(Required)
Explains and presents the contents in a clear and structured way(Required)
The way the course is taught facilitates learning(Required)

GLOBAL EVALUATION OF THE TRAINING ACTION. Rate it from 1 to 5 (maximum 5 - minimum 1)

Degree of overall satisfaction with the course(Required)
I would recommend this training to others(Required)
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.