"Fei rodó" melon

3,00 VAT included

How is it?

The "Fei rodó" melon is a variety of round, dark green melon. Loose texture as it ripens and the pulp is yellow and greenish. Sweet, very sugary. It is kept until Christmas if it is harvested green.

When and how is it sown?

Yes sowing from the end of April to May, and is harvested from August to September. The sowing distance is 50-80 cm between plants, and 1 m between rows. If it is done in the dry season, it is advisable to leave about 1.8 m between rows.

How much seed is in the envelope?

envelope weight: 2.2 g. Approximately 47 units

Cucumis melo - Phytogenetic resource

Origin: Son Ajaume Nou, Palma, Mallorca

31 in stock

Donate to the seed multiplication project

This is the heart of the association's project and aims to raise awareness of local varieties and encourage their consumption.