Mallorcan white onion

3,00 VAT included

How is it?

The Mallorcan white onion it is white, flat and very sweet in taste. Ideal for eating raw. Onions that are not consumed can be reseeded for grilling.

When and how is it sown?

You can start at sow from October, to about 20-30 cm apart, i it is transplanted three or four weeks later. The harvesting is done from July.

How much seed is in the envelope?

envelope weight: 0.9 g. Approximately 315 units.

How long can this seed be sown?

Seed viability: 1-2 years. The seeds lose viability very quickly in warm and humid places.

Allium cepa – Registered variety

Origin: Horteta, Sant Joan, Mallorca

We also have seed in bulk, for orders: / 623 250 278 / 693 066 858

165 in stock

Donate to the seed multiplication project

This is the heart of the association's project and aims to raise awareness of local varieties and encourage their consumption.