"De banya de cabra" pepper

3,00 VAT included

How is it?

The "De banya de cabra" pepper it is a dark green pepper with a horn shape, finished in a point. It has thin meat. It's not cooking.

When and how is it sown?

You can start doing the seedling from January until mid-April, to transplant in May. The sowing distance is 40-50 cm between plants, and 80 cm between rows.

How much seed is in the envelope?

envelope weight: 0.5 g. Approximately 66 units

Capsicum annuum - Phytogenetic resource

Origin: Son Fortuny, Sant Joan, Mallorca.

72 in stock

Donate to the seed multiplication project

This is the heart of the association's project and aims to raise awareness of local varieties and encourage their consumption.