Exhibition "Then, sprouting between science and art"
September from 3 to 16. Caixa Forum Palma.
It will take place on Tuesday, September 3 the opening of the exhibition "Then, budding between science and art", at 6.30 pm at the Caixa Forum, Palma (Plaza de Weyler, 3).
The exhibition consists of three artistic proposals which invite visitors to listen, look closer, handle and reflect on the seeds.
- Mobile seed bank by Marco Ranieri.
- Sound seeds by Javier Forment.
- The dance of the seeds. The germination of knowledge of the Association of Local Varieties of Mallorca.
These three artistic proposals were winners of the call for art and science collaboration launched at the initiative of researcher Raquel Ajates, as part of research on sustainable seed systems. The call was an initiative funded by the project The Digitalization of Seeds -awarded with the Daniel Carasso Fellowship- and the UNED, in collaboration with the Terra Museum of the Carulla Foundation and the Xarxa Planea.
After going through Madrid and for Catalonia, the interactive installation arrives in Mallorca, with the impetus and local curation by the Association of Local Varieties and thanks to the support of the La Caixa Foundation. Visitors will be able to explore the beauty, cycles and challenges of seeds through artistic and scientific proposals that invite reflection and action to conserve them.
At the end of the event, refreshments will be served with products of local varieties (cakes from the Pou Fondo oven and wines from Can Axartell).
People who sell at the opening of the exhibition can register herei.
Here you have access to the exhibition dossier.